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The Middle East and North Africa : Historical, Social, and Political Perspectives / Florian Zemmin.

By: Contributor(s): Material type: Computer fileComputer fileLanguage: English Publisher: Berlin/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2024Copyright date: 2024Edition: 1st edDescription: 1 online resource (498 pages)Content type:
  • text
Media type:
  • computer
Carrier type:
  • online resource
  • 9783111254067
Subject(s): Genre/Form: Additional physical formats: Print version:: The Middle East and North Africa
Intro -- Contents -- Instructions for Use -- About the Editors -- Secularity in the Middle East and North Africa: Introduction -- Premodern Debates: Politics in Religion -- Introduction -- 1. Sa’adiah ben Yosef Gaon: The Book of Beliefs and Opinions (933) -- 2. ʿUnṣur al-Maʿālī: A Mirror for Princes (ca. Mid-late 11th Century) -- 3. Niẓām al-Mulk: Rules for Kings (ca. 1080) -- 4. Al-Māwardī: The Discipline of Religious and Worldly Matters (ca. 1050) -- 5. Al-Ghazālī: Balance in Belief (ca. 1100) -- 6. Al-Qarāfī: Distinguishing Legal Opinions from Judicial Rulings (ca. 1250s) -- 7. Al-Tawḥīdī: Delightful and Intimate Conversations (983–985) -- 8. Yūsuf Khāṣṣ Ḥājib: Wisdom of Royal Glory (ca. 1060s) -- 9. Ibn Khaldūn: Religion-based and Reason-based Politics (ca. 1380) -- 10. Anonymous: On the Good of the Muslims (ca. 1650) and Anonymous: The Praised Book (1620) -- (Ottoman-) Turkish Secularities between Expediency and Ideology: A History of Entanglements and Distinctions -- Introduction -- 11. Mustafa Fazıl Paşa: Letter to Sultan Abdülaziz (1867) -- 12. Ziya Paşa: Law and Courts (1870) -- 13. Anonymous: Visit of Archbishop İzmirliyan to the Sultan (1908) -- 14. Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi (Yazır): Islam, the Caliphate, and the Sheikh ül-Islam (1909) -- 15. Misak Koçunyan: Dismantling the Patriarchates (1910) -- 16. Bediüzzaman Said Nursi: The Problem of Nationalism (1911 and 1928–1935) -- 17. Ziya Gökalp: Religion, Religiosity, and the State (1916) -- 18. Ziya Gökalp: The State (1918) and The Office of the Sheikh ül-Islam (1918) -- 19. Said Halim Pasha: Reform of Muslim Society (1922) -- 20. Ahmed Cevdet [Oran]: The Secular State (1928) -- 21. Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı: Religious Education for the Republican Child (1928–1929) -- 22. Halide Edip Adıvar: The Clown and His Daughter (1935) -- 23. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar: Mahur Beste (1944) -- 24. Ali Fuad Başgil: Religion and Secularism (1954) -- 25. Yusuf Ziya Yörükan: Islam (1957) -- 26. İhsan Eliaçık: A Religion of Life (2006) -- 27. Abdurrahman Dilipak: Secularism (2020) -- 28. Levent Gültekin: Why Is Liberal Laicism Important? (2020) -- Colonial Formations and Postcolonial Elaborations in Arab Countries: Reason, Law, Socialism, Islamism, Secularism, and Civil Rights -- Introduction -- 29. Salīm al-Bustānī: On the Constitution (1877) -- 30. Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī: The Truth about the Neicheri Sect (1880/1881) -- 31. Shiblī Shumayyil: The Philosophy of Evolution (1910) -- 32. Faraḥ Anṭūn and Muḥammad ʿAbduh: A Debate on Secularity, Christianity and Islam (1902/03) -- 33. Rafīq al-ʿAẓm: The Weakness of Muslims (1904) -- 34. ʿAlī ʿAbd al-Rāziq: Islam and the Foundations of Power (1925) -- 35. Salāma Mūsā: Freedom of Thought (1927) -- 36. Khālid Muḥammad Khālid: Religion, not Priesthood (1950) -- 37. Michel Aflaq: Our View on Religion (1956) -- 38. Muḥammad Saʿīd al-ʿAshmāwī: The Truth of the Slogan “Islam is State and Religion” (1987) -- 39. Ḥasan Ḥanafī and Muḥammad ʿĀbid al-Jābrī: Dialogue of East and West (1990) -- 40. Muḥammad Bārūt: On Islamic Secularisation (1994) -- 41. Abdelwahab Elmessiri: Partial and Comprehensive Secularism (2002) -- 42. Georges Tarabichi: Secularism as an Islamic-Islamic Problematic (2008) -- 43. Nassif Nassar: Secularity as a Victory for Justice (2009) -- 44. Rached Ghannouchi: Secularism and the Relation of Religion to the State (2012) -- 45. Abderrahmane Taha: The Misery of Secularism (2014) -- 46. Ahmad Beydoun: Accommodating Secularism (2019) -- 47. Sari Hanafi: Secularism and its Types (2021) -- Iran’s Modernity (Late 19th Century – Early 21st Century) -- Introduction -- 48. Mīrzā Yūsuf Khān Mustashār al-Dawla: One Word (1870) -- 49. Mīrzā Fatḥ ʿAli Ākhūndzādah: Letter to Mustashār al-Dawla (1875) -- 50. ʿAli Akbar Dihkhudā: A New Epiphany (1907) -- 51. Ṣadīqa Dawlatābādī: Wake up Sisters (1919) -- 52. Jalal Al Ahmad: Westoxification (1962) -- 53. Ali Shariʿati: Religion Contra Religion (1972) -- 54. Khomeini: Sermon in Najaf (1977) -- 55. Mehrangiz Kar: Political Rights of Women (1993) -- 56. Morad Saghafi: Religious New-thinking or Political Rethinking (2000) -- 57. ʿAbdolkarim Soroush: Reason, Freedom, & Democracy in Islam (2000) -- 58. Sedigheh Vasmaghi: Law and the Exigencies of Time (2008) -- 59. Seyed Ali Mirmousavi: A Critique of Religion-Based Politics (2021) -- Israeli Debates and Hebrew Sources: Between Jewish Particularism and a Seat at the Table of Nations -- Introduction -- 60. Theodor Herzl: The Jewish State (1896) and Altneuland (1902) -- 61. Shaul Tchernichovsky: Before the Statue of Apollo (1898) -- 62. Aharon David Gordon: Our Score with the [Jewish] Faith (ca. 1900) -- 63. Yosef Haim Brenner: On the Spectacle of Jewish Conversion (1910) -- 64. Haim Nahman Bialik: Halacha and Aggada (1916) -- 65. Salim Yitzhak Nissim: Daughter of Babylon (1920) -- 66. Jaqueline Kahanoff: Childhood in Egypt (1959) -- 67. Yeshayahu Leibowitz: A Call for the Separation of Religion and State (1959) -- 68. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: He shall Opine (1980/1981).
Summary: This volume collects reflections on secularity from the Middle East and North Africa. To highlight proximate connections as well as resonances with debates elsewhere, it includes premodern contributions from the region as well as Jewish thought from Europe that have provided significant references for modern appropriations of secularity.The texts, for the most part previously untranslated, reflect commonalities within the region as well as its great diversity. Thus, while Islam is a common reference for most of our authors, the selections point to its varied invocations in the interest of differing political ends. Others write from a Christian or Jewish perspective, or subscribe to non-religious intellectual traditions. They range from premodern Muslim jurisprudents and philosophers to Ottoman statesmen, Arab socialist and nationalist intellectuals of the interwar period, Iranian revolutionaries, Israeli novelists, and finally, post-secular intellectuals, lay and religious, predominantly from the former Islamic heartland: modern Arab states and Iran. Several introductions weave together the swathe of topics raised in the discussions, beginning with a schematic presentation of the concerns that undergird the volume's organization.
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Intro -- Contents -- Instructions for Use -- About the Editors -- Secularity in the Middle East and North Africa: Introduction -- Premodern Debates: Politics in Religion -- Introduction -- 1. Sa’adiah ben Yosef Gaon: The Book of Beliefs and Opinions (933) -- 2. ʿUnṣur al-Maʿālī: A Mirror for Princes (ca. Mid-late 11th Century) -- 3. Niẓām al-Mulk: Rules for Kings (ca. 1080) -- 4. Al-Māwardī: The Discipline of Religious and Worldly Matters (ca. 1050) -- 5. Al-Ghazālī: Balance in Belief (ca. 1100) -- 6. Al-Qarāfī: Distinguishing Legal Opinions from Judicial Rulings (ca. 1250s) -- 7. Al-Tawḥīdī: Delightful and Intimate Conversations (983–985) -- 8. Yūsuf Khāṣṣ Ḥājib: Wisdom of Royal Glory (ca. 1060s) -- 9. Ibn Khaldūn: Religion-based and Reason-based Politics (ca. 1380) -- 10. Anonymous: On the Good of the Muslims (ca. 1650) and Anonymous: The Praised Book (1620) -- (Ottoman-) Turkish Secularities between Expediency and Ideology: A History of Entanglements and Distinctions -- Introduction -- 11. Mustafa Fazıl Paşa: Letter to Sultan Abdülaziz (1867) -- 12. Ziya Paşa: Law and Courts (1870) -- 13. Anonymous: Visit of Archbishop İzmirliyan to the Sultan (1908) -- 14. Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi (Yazır): Islam, the Caliphate, and the Sheikh ül-Islam (1909) -- 15. Misak Koçunyan: Dismantling the Patriarchates (1910) -- 16. Bediüzzaman Said Nursi: The Problem of Nationalism (1911 and 1928–1935) -- 17. Ziya Gökalp: Religion, Religiosity, and the State (1916) -- 18. Ziya Gökalp: The State (1918) and The Office of the Sheikh ül-Islam (1918) -- 19. Said Halim Pasha: Reform of Muslim Society (1922) -- 20. Ahmed Cevdet [Oran]: The Secular State (1928) -- 21. Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı: Religious Education for the Republican Child (1928–1929) -- 22. Halide Edip Adıvar: The Clown and His Daughter (1935) -- 23. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar: Mahur Beste (1944) -- 24. Ali Fuad Başgil: Religion and Secularism (1954) -- 25. Yusuf Ziya Yörükan: Islam (1957) -- 26. İhsan Eliaçık: A Religion of Life (2006) -- 27. Abdurrahman Dilipak: Secularism (2020) -- 28. Levent Gültekin: Why Is Liberal Laicism Important? (2020) -- Colonial Formations and Postcolonial Elaborations in Arab Countries: Reason, Law, Socialism, Islamism, Secularism, and Civil Rights -- Introduction -- 29. Salīm al-Bustānī: On the Constitution (1877) -- 30. Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī: The Truth about the Neicheri Sect (1880/1881) -- 31. Shiblī Shumayyil: The Philosophy of Evolution (1910) -- 32. Faraḥ Anṭūn and Muḥammad ʿAbduh: A Debate on Secularity, Christianity and Islam (1902/03) -- 33. Rafīq al-ʿAẓm: The Weakness of Muslims (1904) -- 34. ʿAlī ʿAbd al-Rāziq: Islam and the Foundations of Power (1925) -- 35. Salāma Mūsā: Freedom of Thought (1927) -- 36. Khālid Muḥammad Khālid: Religion, not Priesthood (1950) -- 37. Michel Aflaq: Our View on Religion (1956) -- 38. Muḥammad Saʿīd al-ʿAshmāwī: The Truth of the Slogan “Islam is State and Religion” (1987) -- 39. Ḥasan Ḥanafī and Muḥammad ʿĀbid al-Jābrī: Dialogue of East and West (1990) -- 40. Muḥammad Bārūt: On Islamic Secularisation (1994) -- 41. Abdelwahab Elmessiri: Partial and Comprehensive Secularism (2002) -- 42. Georges Tarabichi: Secularism as an Islamic-Islamic Problematic (2008) -- 43. Nassif Nassar: Secularity as a Victory for Justice (2009) -- 44. Rached Ghannouchi: Secularism and the Relation of Religion to the State (2012) -- 45. Abderrahmane Taha: The Misery of Secularism (2014) -- 46. Ahmad Beydoun: Accommodating Secularism (2019) -- 47. Sari Hanafi: Secularism and its Types (2021) -- Iran’s Modernity (Late 19th Century – Early 21st Century) -- Introduction -- 48. Mīrzā Yūsuf Khān Mustashār al-Dawla: One Word (1870) -- 49. Mīrzā Fatḥ ʿAli Ākhūndzādah: Letter to Mustashār al-Dawla (1875) -- 50. ʿAli Akbar Dihkhudā: A New Epiphany (1907) -- 51. Ṣadīqa Dawlatābādī: Wake up Sisters (1919) -- 52. Jalal Al Ahmad: Westoxification (1962) -- 53. Ali Shariʿati: Religion Contra Religion (1972) -- 54. Khomeini: Sermon in Najaf (1977) -- 55. Mehrangiz Kar: Political Rights of Women (1993) -- 56. Morad Saghafi: Religious New-thinking or Political Rethinking (2000) -- 57. ʿAbdolkarim Soroush: Reason, Freedom, & Democracy in Islam (2000) -- 58. Sedigheh Vasmaghi: Law and the Exigencies of Time (2008) -- 59. Seyed Ali Mirmousavi: A Critique of Religion-Based Politics (2021) -- Israeli Debates and Hebrew Sources: Between Jewish Particularism and a Seat at the Table of Nations -- Introduction -- 60. Theodor Herzl: The Jewish State (1896) and Altneuland (1902) -- 61. Shaul Tchernichovsky: Before the Statue of Apollo (1898) -- 62. Aharon David Gordon: Our Score with the [Jewish] Faith (ca. 1900) -- 63. Yosef Haim Brenner: On the Spectacle of Jewish Conversion (1910) -- 64. Haim Nahman Bialik: Halacha and Aggada (1916) -- 65. Salim Yitzhak Nissim: Daughter of Babylon (1920) -- 66. Jaqueline Kahanoff: Childhood in Egypt (1959) -- 67. Yeshayahu Leibowitz: A Call for the Separation of Religion and State (1959) -- 68. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: He shall Opine (1980/1981).

This volume collects reflections on secularity from the Middle East and North Africa. To highlight proximate connections as well as resonances with debates elsewhere, it includes premodern contributions from the region as well as Jewish thought from Europe that have provided significant references for modern appropriations of secularity.The texts, for the most part previously untranslated, reflect commonalities within the region as well as its great diversity. Thus, while Islam is a common reference for most of our authors, the selections point to its varied invocations in the interest of differing political ends. Others write from a Christian or Jewish perspective, or subscribe to non-religious intellectual traditions. They range from premodern Muslim jurisprudents and philosophers to Ottoman statesmen, Arab socialist and nationalist intellectuals of the interwar period, Iranian revolutionaries, Israeli novelists, and finally, post-secular intellectuals, lay and religious, predominantly from the former Islamic heartland: modern Arab states and Iran. Several introductions weave together the swathe of topics raised in the discussions, beginning with a schematic presentation of the concerns that undergird the volume's organization.

Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources.

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2025. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.

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