صورة الغلاف المحلية
صورة الغلاف المحلية
عرض عادي

Internet of things and the law : legal strategies for consumer-centric smart technologies / Guido Noto La Diega.

بواسطة:نوع المادة : نصنصالسلاسل:Law of emerging technologiesالناشر:Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022وصف:1 online resourceنوع المحتوى:
  • text
نوع الوسائط:
  • computer
نوع الناقل:
  • online resource
  • 9780429468377
  • 9780429887505
الموضوع:النوع/الشكل:تصنيف مكتبة الكونجرس:
  • K564.C6
موارد على الانترنت:
Introduction -- IoT law : obstacles and alternatives in the regulation of a non-binary socio-technological phenomenon -- The internet of spying sex toys, killer petrol stations, and manipulative toasters : a view of private ordering from the contractual quagmire -- The internet of contracts : the tension between consumer contract laws and IoT power imbalance -- The internet of vulnerabilities : tackling human and product vulnerabilities through non-contractual consumer laws -- The internet of loos, the General Data Protection Regulation, and digital dispossession under surveillance capitalism -- The internet of things (you don't own) under bourgeois law : an integrated tactic to rebalance intellectual property -- Conclusions.
ملخص:"Internet of Things and the Law: Legal Strategies for Consumer-Centric Smart Technologies is the most comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the legal issues in the Internet of Things (IoT). For decades, the decreasing importance of tangible wealth and power - and the corresponding increasing significance of their disembodied counterparts - has been the subject of much legal analysis. For some time now, legal scholars have grappled with how laws drafted for tangible property and pre-digital 'offline' technologies can cope with dematerialisation, digitalisation, and the internet. As dematerialisation continues, this book aims to illuminate the opposite movement: re-materialisation, namely the return of data, knowledge, and power within a physical 'smart' world. This move frames the book's central question: can the law steer re-materialisation in a human-centric and societally beneficial direction? To answer it, the book focuses on the IoT, the socio-technological phenomenon that is primarily responsible for this shift. After a thorough analysis of how existing laws can be interpreted to empower IoT end-users, Noto La Diega leaves us with the fundamental question of what happens when the law fails us and concludes with a call for collective resistance against 'smart' capitalism"-- Provided by publisher.
نوع المادة المكتبة الحالية رقم الطلب رابط URL حالة تاريخ الإستحقاق الباركود
مصدر رقمي مصدر رقمي UAE Federation Library | مكتبة اتحاد الإمارات Online Copy | نسخة إلكترونية رابط إلى المورد لا يعار

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction -- IoT law : obstacles and alternatives in the regulation of a non-binary socio-technological phenomenon -- The internet of spying sex toys, killer petrol stations, and manipulative toasters : a view of private ordering from the contractual quagmire -- The internet of contracts : the tension between consumer contract laws and IoT power imbalance -- The internet of vulnerabilities : tackling human and product vulnerabilities through non-contractual consumer laws -- The internet of loos, the General Data Protection Regulation, and digital dispossession under surveillance capitalism -- The internet of things (you don't own) under bourgeois law : an integrated tactic to rebalance intellectual property -- Conclusions.

"Internet of Things and the Law: Legal Strategies for Consumer-Centric Smart Technologies is the most comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the legal issues in the Internet of Things (IoT). For decades, the decreasing importance of tangible wealth and power - and the corresponding increasing significance of their disembodied counterparts - has been the subject of much legal analysis. For some time now, legal scholars have grappled with how laws drafted for tangible property and pre-digital 'offline' technologies can cope with dematerialisation, digitalisation, and the internet. As dematerialisation continues, this book aims to illuminate the opposite movement: re-materialisation, namely the return of data, knowledge, and power within a physical 'smart' world. This move frames the book's central question: can the law steer re-materialisation in a human-centric and societally beneficial direction? To answer it, the book focuses on the IoT, the socio-technological phenomenon that is primarily responsible for this shift. After a thorough analysis of how existing laws can be interpreted to empower IoT end-users, Noto La Diega leaves us with the fundamental question of what happens when the law fails us and concludes with a call for collective resistance against 'smart' capitalism"-- Provided by publisher.

اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها في عارض الصور

صورة الغلاف المحلية

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة


97124044780 +

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