صورة الغلاف المحلية
صورة الغلاف المحلية
عرض عادي

Reclaiming participatory governance : social movements and the reinvention of democratic innovation / edited by Adrian Bua and Sonia Bussu.

المساهم (المساهمين):نوع المادة : نصنصالسلاسل:Routledge Studies in Democratic Innovationsالناشر:London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023وصف:1 online resourceنوع المحتوى:
  • text
نوع الوسائط:
  • computer
نوع الناقل:
  • online resource
  • 9781000881097
  • 9781000881028
  • 9781003218517
  • 9781032111216
الموضوع:النوع/الشكل:تصنيف مكتبة الكونجرس:
  • JF799
موارد على الانترنت:
1. Introduction to the Volume Section.-- 1: Conceptualising Democracy-driven Governance.-- 2. Challenging the "Rules of the Game": The Role of Bottom-up Participatory Experiments for Deliberative Democracy.-- 3. Innovations in Participatory Governance and the (De)commodification of Social Wellbeing.-- 4. Can Local Participation Disrupt Neoliberalism? The Politics and Ethics of Caring for Democracy.-- 5. The Democratic Multiverse: Governance, Associations and the Prospects for Progressive Democratic Renewal.-- Section 2: Tracing Emergence of Democracy-driven Governance.-- 6. Towards Participatory Transition Governance: The Role of Social Movements as "Collaborators" for Democratic Innovation.-- 7. "Be Like Water": Participatory Arts, Prefigurative Social Movements and Democratic Renewal .--8. Whose and What Right to the City? Insights from Lisbon.-- 9. De-POLARizing Civic Participation? Lessons from the Incomplete Experience of Greenland .--10. Collective Candidacies and Mandates in Brazil: Challenges and Pitfalls of a Gambiarra.-- 11. Democracy-driven Governance and Governance-driven Democratization in Barcelona and Nantes.-- Section 3: Assessing the Challenges to Projects of Radical Reform.-- 12. Expanding Participatory Governance Through Digital Platforms? Drivers and Obstacles in the Implementation of the Decidim Platform.-- 13. The Embeddedness of Public-common Institutions: The Citizen Assets Programme in Barcelona .--14. How Can Democracy-driven Governance Turn into Techno-populism? Arguing on the Case of Ahora Madrid.-- 15. Surfing Disappointment: The Uneasy Inclusion of Social Movement Activists in Local Participatory Institutions. A Case-study in Madrid (2015–2019) .-- 16. Institutionalising Participation from Below: From the Shack to Municipal Elections in Commercy, France .--Section 4: Conclusion.-- 17. Concluding Remarks: Towards the Messy Middle. The Next Generation of Democracy-driven Governance Research.
ملخص:"Reclaiming Participatory Governance offers empirical and theoretical perspectives on how the relationship between social movements and state institutions is emerging and developing through new modes of participatory governance. One of the most interesting political developments of the past decade has been the adoption by social movements of strategies seeking to change political institutions through participatory governance. These strategies have flourished in a variety of contexts, from anti-austerity and pro-social justice protests in Spain, to movements demanding climate transition and race equality in the UK and the USA, to constitutional reforms in Belgium and Iceland. The chief ambition and challenge of these new forms of participatory governance is to institutionalise the prefigurative politics and social justice values that inspired them in the first place, by mobilising the bureaucracy to respond to their claims for reforms and rights. The authors of this volume assess how participatory governance is being transformed and explore the impact of such changes, providing timely critical reflections on: the constraints imposed by cultural, economic and political power relations on these new empowered participatory spaces; the potential of this new "wave" of participatory democracy to reimagine the relationship between citizens and traditional institutions towards more radical democratic renewal; where and how these new democratisation efforts sit within the representative state; and how tensions between the different demands of lay citizens, organised civil society and public officials are being managed. This book will be an important resource for students and academics in political science, public administration and social policy, as well as activists, practitioners and policymakers interested in supporting innovative engagement for deeper social transformation"-- Provided by publisher.
نوع المادة المكتبة الحالية رقم الطلب رابط URL حالة تاريخ الإستحقاق الباركود
مصدر رقمي مصدر رقمي UAE Federation Library | مكتبة اتحاد الإمارات Online Copy | نسخة إلكترونية رابط إلى المورد لا يعار

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Introduction to the Volume Section.-- 1: Conceptualising Democracy-driven Governance.-- 2. Challenging the "Rules of the Game": The Role of Bottom-up Participatory Experiments for Deliberative Democracy.-- 3. Innovations in Participatory Governance and the (De)commodification of Social Wellbeing.-- 4. Can Local Participation Disrupt Neoliberalism? The Politics and Ethics of Caring for Democracy.-- 5. The Democratic Multiverse: Governance, Associations and the Prospects for Progressive Democratic Renewal.-- Section 2: Tracing Emergence of Democracy-driven Governance.-- 6. Towards Participatory Transition Governance: The Role of Social Movements as "Collaborators" for Democratic Innovation.-- 7. "Be Like Water": Participatory Arts, Prefigurative Social Movements and Democratic Renewal .--8. Whose and What Right to the City? Insights from Lisbon.-- 9. De-POLARizing Civic Participation? Lessons from the Incomplete Experience of Greenland .--10. Collective Candidacies and Mandates in Brazil: Challenges and Pitfalls of a Gambiarra.-- 11. Democracy-driven Governance and Governance-driven Democratization in Barcelona and Nantes.-- Section 3: Assessing the Challenges to Projects of Radical Reform.-- 12. Expanding Participatory Governance Through Digital Platforms? Drivers and Obstacles in the Implementation of the Decidim Platform.-- 13. The Embeddedness of Public-common Institutions: The Citizen Assets Programme in Barcelona .--14. How Can Democracy-driven Governance Turn into Techno-populism? Arguing on the Case of Ahora Madrid.-- 15. Surfing Disappointment: The Uneasy Inclusion of Social Movement Activists in Local Participatory Institutions. A Case-study in Madrid (2015–2019) .-- 16. Institutionalising Participation from Below: From the Shack to Municipal Elections in Commercy, France .--Section 4: Conclusion.-- 17. Concluding Remarks: Towards the Messy Middle. The Next Generation of Democracy-driven Governance Research.

"Reclaiming Participatory Governance offers empirical and theoretical perspectives on how the relationship between social movements and state institutions is emerging and developing through new modes of participatory governance. One of the most interesting political developments of the past decade has been the adoption by social movements of strategies seeking to change political institutions through participatory governance. These strategies have flourished in a variety of contexts, from anti-austerity and pro-social justice protests in Spain, to movements demanding climate transition and race equality in the UK and the USA, to constitutional reforms in Belgium and Iceland. The chief ambition and challenge of these new forms of participatory governance is to institutionalise the prefigurative politics and social justice values that inspired them in the first place, by mobilising the bureaucracy to respond to their claims for reforms and rights. The authors of this volume assess how participatory governance is being transformed and explore the impact of such changes, providing timely critical reflections on: the constraints imposed by cultural, economic and political power relations on these new empowered participatory spaces; the potential of this new "wave" of participatory democracy to reimagine the relationship between citizens and traditional institutions towards more radical democratic renewal; where and how these new democratisation efforts sit within the representative state; and how tensions between the different demands of lay citizens, organised civil society and public officials are being managed. This book will be an important resource for students and academics in political science, public administration and social policy, as well as activists, practitioners and policymakers interested in supporting innovative engagement for deeper social transformation"-- Provided by publisher.

اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها في عارض الصور

صورة الغلاف المحلية

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة


97124044780 +

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