صورة الغلاف المحلية
صورة الغلاف المحلية
عرض عادي

European-Russian energy relations : from dependence to interdependence / Karina Galytska.

بواسطة:نوع المادة : نصنصالسلاسل:Premio Cesare Alfieri "Cum laude," ; 7الناشر:Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2021وصف:1 electronic resource (133 pages )نوع المحتوى:
  • text
نوع الوسائط:
  • computer
نوع الناقل:
  • online resource
  • 9788855184144
  • 9788855184151
الموضوع:النوع/الشكل:تصنيف مكتبة الكونجرس:
  • HD9502.E8
موارد على الانترنت:
Introduction .-- Global energy consumption .-- Chapter 1: Energy Security and Dependence .-- Chapter 2: Russian primary energy production and export in the European Union .-- Chapter 3 : European Energy Policy: from dependence to interdependence?
ملخص:Due to the exploitation of international reservoirs, natural energy sources have become rare, disputed among States and therefore strategic. The reliance on these resources is linked to energy security and dependence in both terms of energy imports or exports. Furthermore, the access and reallocation of energy flows entail an alteration of the balance of power among States as well as the raise of national energy security strategies and debates. The aim of this volume is to analyze the evolution of energy relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation from a state of pure Dependence to the establishment of a balanced Interdependence, underling also the challenges facing the EU in terms of dependence and diversifications in the framework or the EU-Russian energy cooperation.
نوع المادة المكتبة الحالية رقم الطلب رابط URL حالة تاريخ الإستحقاق الباركود
مصدر رقمي مصدر رقمي UAE Federation Library | مكتبة اتحاد الإمارات Online Copy | نسخة إلكترونية رابط إلى المورد لا يعار

Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction .-- Global energy consumption .-- Chapter 1: Energy Security and Dependence .-- Chapter 2: Russian primary energy production and export in the European Union .-- Chapter 3 : European Energy Policy: from dependence to interdependence?

Due to the exploitation of international reservoirs, natural energy sources have become rare, disputed among States and therefore strategic. The reliance on these resources is linked to energy security and dependence in both terms of energy imports or exports. Furthermore, the access and reallocation of energy flows entail an alteration of the balance of power among States as well as the raise of national energy security strategies and debates. The aim of this volume is to analyze the evolution of energy relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation from a state of pure Dependence to the establishment of a balanced Interdependence, underling also the challenges facing the EU in terms of dependence and diversifications in the framework or the EU-Russian energy cooperation.

اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها في عارض الصور

صورة الغلاف المحلية

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة


97124044780 +

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