صورة الغلاف المحلية
صورة الغلاف المحلية
عرض عادي

Global authoritarianism : perspectives and contestations from the South / edited by International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies

المساهم (المساهمين):نوع المادة : نصنصالسلاسل:[transcript] Political Science ; v.132 | [transcript] Political Science ; v.132الناشر:Bielefeld : Transcript, 2022وصف:1 online resource (300 pages)نوع المحتوى:
  • text
  • still image
  • cartographic image
نوع الوسائط:
  • unmediated
نوع الناقل:
  • volume
  • 9783837662092
  • 9783839462096
الموضوع:النوع/الشكل:تصنيف مكتبة الكونجرس:
  • JC480
موارد على الانترنت:
Introduction.-- Embedded Authoritarianism .-- Hindu Majoritarianism and Authoritarian Shifts in the Age of Informational Capitalism in India.-- Right-Wing Authoritarianism Against Nature.-- Neoliberal Authoritarian Urbanism.-- Authoritarian Neoliberalism from Below.-- Reconfiguration of the Regime of Impunity and Authoritarian Statecraft in Turkey.-- Anti-feminist Meeting Points in Latin America.-- Exploring the Colonial and Apartheid Roots of Urban Authoritarianism in Postapartheid South Africa.-- (Re)Thinking Authoritarianism in Democracy.-- Authoritarianism and Developmentalism Framing 'Progressive' Governments in Mexico and Argentina.-- Agrarian Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism, and the Political Reactions from below in Southern Africa.-- Factors of Resilience and Constraint in the Myanmar Resistance Movement.-- Contentions and Contradictions.-- Production of Activism under Authoritarianism.
ملخص:We are witnessing a worldwide resurgence of reactionary ideologies and movements, combined with an escalating assault on democratic institutions and structures. Nevertheless, most studies of these phenomena remain anchored in a methodological nationalism, while comparative research is almost entirely limited to the Global North. Yet, authoritarian transformations in the South and the struggles against them have not only been just as dramatic as those in the North but also preceded them, and consequently have been studied by Southern scholars for many years. This volume brings together the work of more than 15 scholar-activists from across the Global South, combining in-depth studies of regional processes of authoritarian transformation with a global perspective on authoritarian capitalism. With a foreword by Verónica Gago.
نوع المادة المكتبة الحالية رقم الطلب رابط URL حالة تاريخ الإستحقاق الباركود
مصدر رقمي مصدر رقمي UAE Federation Library | مكتبة اتحاد الإمارات Online Copy | نسخة إلكترونية رابط إلى المورد لا يعار

Introduction.-- Embedded Authoritarianism .-- Hindu Majoritarianism and Authoritarian Shifts in the Age of Informational Capitalism in India.-- Right-Wing Authoritarianism Against Nature.-- Neoliberal Authoritarian Urbanism.-- Authoritarian Neoliberalism from Below.-- Reconfiguration of the Regime of Impunity and Authoritarian Statecraft in Turkey.-- Anti-feminist Meeting Points in Latin America.-- Exploring the Colonial and Apartheid Roots of Urban Authoritarianism in Postapartheid South Africa.-- (Re)Thinking Authoritarianism in Democracy.-- Authoritarianism and Developmentalism Framing 'Progressive' Governments in Mexico and Argentina.-- Agrarian Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism, and the Political Reactions from below in Southern Africa.-- Factors of Resilience and Constraint in the Myanmar Resistance Movement.-- Contentions and Contradictions.-- Production of Activism under Authoritarianism.

We are witnessing a worldwide resurgence of reactionary ideologies and movements, combined with an escalating assault on democratic institutions and structures. Nevertheless, most studies of these phenomena remain anchored in a methodological nationalism, while comparative research is almost entirely limited to the Global North. Yet, authoritarian transformations in the South and the struggles against them have not only been just as dramatic as those in the North but also preceded them, and consequently have been studied by Southern scholars for many years. This volume brings together the work of more than 15 scholar-activists from across the Global South, combining in-depth studies of regional processes of authoritarian transformation with a global perspective on authoritarian capitalism. With a foreword by Verónica Gago.

اضغط على الصورة لمشاهدتها في عارض الصور

صورة الغلاف المحلية

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة


97124044780 +

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