Opportunities and challenges for new and peripheral political science communities : a consolidated discipline? / Gabriella Ilonszki, Christophe Roux, editors
نوع المادة :
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9783030790547
- 3030790541
- 9783030790554
- 303079055X
- 3030790568
- 9783030790561
- JA84.E9
نوع المادة | المكتبة الحالية | رقم الطلب | رابط URL | حالة | تاريخ الإستحقاق | الباركود | |
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UAE Federation Library | مكتبة اتحاد الإمارات Online Copy | نسخة إلكترونية | رابط إلى المورد | لا يعار |
Chapter 1 Introduction: The Formation and Aims of the Book, COST and WG1, Gabriella Ilonszki and Christophe Roux -- Chapter 2 Institutionalisation of political science in East Central Europe: Connecting Theory to the Ground, Gabriella Ilonszki -- Chapter 3 Continuities and New Beginnings in the Post-Yugoslav States, Davor Boban, Ivan Stanojevic, Simona Kukovic -- Chapter 4 Political Science in Central European Democracies under Pressure, Darina Malova, Aneta Vilagi, Dobrinka Kostova -- Chapter 5 Is small beautiful? Institutionalization of Political Science in small states, Eva Marin Hlynsdottir, Irmina Matonyte -- Chapter 6 From Scientific Communism to Political Science: Development of the Profession in the Post-Soviet States, Dangis Gudelis, Irmina Matonyte, Serghei Sprincean, Tatsiana Chulitskaya -- Chapter 7 On the Way to Relevance: At the crossroads of recognition and performance, Gabriella Ilonszki, Davor Boban, Dangis Gudelis -- Chapter 8 Adjusting of New Countries into Existing (Old) Institutional Frameworks, Erkki Berndston -- Chapter 9 Conclusion: Political Science Between Opportunities and Challenges, Christophe Roux
This open access book offers an updated examination of the institutionalisation of political science in sixteen latecomer or peripheral countries in Europe. Its main theme is how political science as a science of democracy is influenced and how it responds to the challenges of the new millennium. The chapters, built upon a common theoretical framework of institutionalisation, are evidence-based and comparative. Overall, the book diagnoses diversity among the country cases due to their take-off points and varied political and economic trajectories. Gabriella Ilonszki is Professor Emerita of Political Science at Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary. Christophe Roux is Professor of Political Science at the University of Montpellier, France