The European Union and the United Nations in global governance / Madeleine O. Hosli
نوع المادة :
- text
- computer
- online resource
- 9781529217551
- 9781529217575
- 1529217571
- 1529217555
- JN30
نوع المادة | المكتبة الحالية | رقم الطلب | رابط URL | حالة | تاريخ الإستحقاق | الباركود | |
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UAE Federation Library | مكتبة اتحاد الإمارات Online Copy | نسخة إلكترونية | رابط إلى المورد | لا يعار |
Front Cover -- The European Union and The United Nations in Global Governance -- Copyright information -- Table of contents -- List of Abbreviations and Acronyms -- Acknowledgments -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Development of EU Foreign Policy and External Representation -- 3 Crises, Integration and the EU as an External Actor -- Acknowledgements -- 4 Tackling Challenges to Multilateralism: Shared Agendas of the EU and the UN -- 5 COVID-19 and Challenges to the UN -- 6 The EU in the UNGA and the UNSC -- 7 Collaboration between the EU and the UN: Migration and Child Protection Mechanisms -- 8 Collaboration between the EU and the UN: Gender Equality, Female Empowerment and UN Women -- 9 Developments and Prospects -- 10 Conclusions -- Notes -- References -- Index -- Back Cover
The book explores how collaboration between the EU and the UN has evolved and how the two entities collaborate both structurally and in day-to-day work. It shows how the EU acts within institutions such as the United Nations General Assembly and how UN agencies, funds and entities, such as UNHRC, UNICEF and UN Women, interact with the EU and its member states. Through its analysis, the book demonstrates how, despite recent criticism, patterns of multilateralism and cooperation between regional and international institutions can be central to stable patterns of rules-based regional and global governance.